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Why use horses?

Horses have been used for millennia across continents as the principle way to travel, farm, enforce laws and carry messages. While the days of a knight in shining armour have long gone horses still make sense when used in sustainable farming.

Our horses can be used for logging, as they can travel where conventional vehicles cannot. Four legs are great up and down steep slopes, moving around dense brush and in densely planted woods that need thinning. Our horse logging lessons teach you how to control a team of horses so that you can use them in your everyday work – all without using fuel.

We also plough fields and aim to reinvent sustainable farming practices. Horses are excellent for small-scale farming, as they don’t require fossil fuels, and when combined with ecologically rich methods of farming, they are very effective. Refueling a horse, after all, is a matter of feeding them with hay, grass, barley or oats. We offer estate management consultations so that you can better manage large areas as part of a sustainable solution. This can range from sustainable and environmentally friendly logging to bracken control where tractors may not be the preferred solution.

If you’d like to learn more about Hitch-In Farm, talk to Mike and Ellie Paddock on 07939 248 371 or email them at Alternatively, you can contact us on Facebook.

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